Sofia the Show
5-7 and 9-11
February 2012
Bow, East
More dates soon...
You are cordially invited to Sofia’s birthday party!... A birthday party with cake, wine, music and bittersweet reminiscing of years passed. In many ways a birthday party like any other, but not quite...
“Sofia the Show” is a devised, autobiographical, site-responsive piece. We’re invited to Sofia’s house, to share with her the songs and stories of her life. She opens up her home and her heart and welcomes us in.

"Sofia the show" is a performance piece that could so easily, in different hands, make for uncomfortable viewing. It is personal. It is emotionally charged. And the person performing it is in the same room as you, only a few steps away – handing you cake, asking you questions, making eye contact. But this is a performance of absolute confidence, as well as great humour and charm. There is something delightful about squashing into a kitchen, a sitting-room, a bedroom, blurring the boundaries between audience, witnesses and participants. It is a kind of collaborative theatre and the reason it works is because Sofia puts you at your ease. You feel intrigued, but safe. You are happy to return eye contact. And you really want to know out what happens next.."
Harriet Salisbury (writer)
An extraordinary and candid piece of autobiographical theatre – a theatrical playful, engaging and accomplished piece of work with a powerful honesty at its heart.
Dominic Hingorani (Writer, Theatre Director and Lecturer)
Sofia takes the audience on an extraordinary journey of memory, revelation, dance, song, wine and cigarettes. Listening to Sofia feels like reading a strangers diary, yet the skill of Sofia’s performance puts the audience immediately at ease, desperate to find out even more of this woman’s life. Brave and adventurous, Sofia and director Marianne have created an extraordinarily moving piece that reminds us that theatre exists to disturb as well as entertain.
Joseph Dunne (Visiting Theatre Lecturer)
I had to run still sniffling and call my mother after the show... She thought I’d had one too many when I just called... well, to say I love her... We don’t stop to think and realise who is around us and what we all go through...
Audience member